
Tata Memorial Centre ( TMC ) - Homi Bhabha National Institute ( HBNI)
Two Year Fellowship in Pulmonary Oncology for Chest Physicians

(Under the aegis of Tata Memorial Centre, Mumbai, Homi Bhabha National Institute, TMC Thoracic DMG Group and Department of Pulmonary Medicine)


About HBNI :

  Homi Bhabha National Institute (HBNI)    is an aided Institution of the Department of Atomic Energy ( DAE) Government of India and a deemed to be University under Section 3 of the UGC Act, accredited by National Assessment and Accreditation Council ( NAAC) with Grade A with eleven constituent DAE Institutions across India. Tata Memorial Centre is one amongst these eleven Institutions and the only health care Institute  


About TMC  :

Tata Memorial Centre (TMC)  is a grant-in-aid Institution under the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE), Government of India. Tata Memorial Centre is amongst the oldest and largest cancer centres in the world, with over 75 years of exceptional patient care, high-quality training and innovative cancer research. Training and education form a major focus area for TMC, which remains the most sought after institution for oncology training nationally and is amongst the highest volume cancer centres in the world. TMC  alumni now provide specialist oncology care and hold leadership positions in several cancer centres in the country and internationally. TMC is in the process of commissioning several cancer centres across the country under aegis of DAE and has also established  the National Cancer Grid creating the largest cancer network in the world, with over 150 cancer centres, research institutions, patient groups, charitable organizations and professional societies working together to provide uniform standards of cancer care, enhance human resource and conduct collaborative multidisciplinary cancer research within the country and internationally.


About Thoracic Disease Management Group (DMG) :

The Disease Management Group (DMG) system was established to inculcate a multi-disciplinary approach towards managing cancers. The Thoracic DMG consists of specialist doctors with special interest and expertise for Thoracic Oncology and consist of specialists across   Surgical Oncology, Medical Oncology, Radiation Oncology, Pathology, Anaesthesia, Radiology and Interventional Radiology, Nuclear Medicine, Palliative Care, Physiotherapy and Pulmonary Medicine.


About Department of Pulmonary Medicine :

  The Pulmonary Medicine Service was initiated in 2006 by Dr. Sandeep Tandon, Pulmonologist and Staff Physician at Tata Memorial Hospital.  What began with a few referrals has exponentially increased to over 8500 consultations annually through intra institution cross referrals and led to the creation of the Department of Pulmonary Medicine.  

Faculty :

  Dr. Sandeep Tandon ( 25 years post MD experience of which 17 years within TMC and the founder faculty of the Department).  
  Dr Maheema Bhaskar (a rich experience of Respiratory Medicine   gained across a 20   year career spanning both, the public health care system as well as the corporate hospital sector and with a passion for teaching respiratory medicine and   interventional pulmonology)  

Dr Pavankumar Biraris (Interventional Pulmonologist with 4 years post qualification experience in the corporate and government health sector. He has completed a 2   year comprehensive training in Interventional Pulmonology from Apollo Hospitals, Bangalore. A young, highly motivated teacher with a   rich IP experience with a flair for training and medical writing and several noteworthy publications to his credit.

The three   member faculty has played a major role in shaping the Department of Pulmonary Medicine in its current form. They have developed a structured, academic, teaching cum training programme for the two Year Fellowship   as well as initiated an interventional pulmonology programme focused on Adult and Paediatric Flexible Bronchoscopy, EBUS-TBNA, Medical Thoracoscopy and shortly initiating Bronchoscopic Cryo-lung biopsies


About Registrar/Fellow Posts  :


Besides the Fellowship post of two year tenure, the Department also has two post MD Senior Registrar posts ( of one year tenure), all starting in August 2019 with advertisement in leading newspapers and website in the first week of May. All the three posts are   recognized for the one   year Postgraduate Bond of the Government of Maharashtra. ( Government Resolution ) The Fellow will get hands on training in the above mentioned procedures and adequate exposure to management of central airways obstruction apart from the structured rotation and exposure to the other participating Departments of TMC.


About the Fellowship Programme    :

  • Aims: To generate and fulfill the growing unmet need and demand across the country for   Chest Physicians   trained in Pulmonary Oncology to work as   part of a Multi-Disciplinary Lung Cancer Team, as well as towards diagnosis and management of pulmonary complications arising as a result of all cancers and cancer therapy.

Conceptualisation of the Fellowship programme :

Cancer incidence is increasing with globally 18.1 million new cases and 9.6 million cancer deaths in 2018. The approach to diagnosis and treatment of cancer and management of pulmonary complications of lung and other cancers or their therapies is a specialized area requiring training, experience and expertise. Current postgraduate training though concise, provides limited exposure to diagnostic and interventional procedures required in these patients as well as exposure to the above mentioned specialized issues of cancer management. Structured, University approved training programmes to address this is lacking in India even in Cancer Institutes in Pulmonology. As one of the largest cancer centres in Asia with almost 72,000 new cancer patient registrations every year, Tata Memorial Hospital is ideally poised to reach out to the multitudes of young Chest Physicians passing out every year and training them in the above. To address this, we felt that there is a need to develop a formal University approved structured training fellowship programme for a sound theoretical and practical exposure to various facets of Oncology and its related procedures. A two  year duration of training was hence considered necessary to do justice to the Fellowship mission.

Outline of the Fellowship :

  • The Fellowship will be conducted by the Department of Pulmonary Medicine, TMC under the aegis of the the Homi Bhabha National Institute ( HBNI)
  • Candidates will work in the Pulmonary Medicine Department   at Tata Memorial Hospital, rotate amongst the relevant Departments within Tata Memorial Hospital for multi   disciplinary exposure as per the curriculum and participate in Multidisciplinary lung cancer Joint Clinics apart from participating in academic activities.

Scope of the Fellowship :

  • To evaluate all patients referred to the Pulmonary Service with respiratory symptoms or radiological abnormalities.
  • To diagnose and manage pulmonary comorbidities in cancer patients.
  • Diagnosis and management of pulmonary complications of cancer therapies.
  • To diagnose and stage Lung Cancer and be well versed with the management.
  • Understand the indications and manage complications of chemotherapy and radiotherapy .
  • To diagnose and manage respiratory distress and respiratory failure in critically ill cancer patients in the ICU.
  • Diagnosis and management of of respiratory Infections in the Immune-compromised Cancer patients including the Bone Marrow Transplant population.
  • Indications and interpretation of Thoracic Imaging and Bio-imaging modalities.
  • Develop experience and skills in the pre-operative pulmonary evaluation of high risk patients for major lung resection surgery. Understand the principles and role of surgical management of lung cancer and work in tandem with thoracic surgeons in assisting peri-operative respiratory care.
  • Develop expertise in basic and advanced Bronchoscopy procedures ( Adult and Paediatric Flexible Bronchoscopy, EBB, TBB, EBUS-TBNA, and Cryo-lung biopsies), Medical Thoracoscopy and other pleural procedures.
  • Develop expertise in diagnosis and management of pleural pathologies,medical thoracoscopy, insertion of intercostals drains, pig-tail catheters and indwelling pleural catheters, pleurodesis.
  • Adequate exposure to central airways disease management.
  • Gain an understanding of palliative and pain management and also ethical and end of life issues.
  • Tobacco cessation.
  • Management of TB in special situations like cancer and chemotherapy
  This Fellowship Programme does not meet requirements for a Certification for practice of Medical Oncology  

Student selection procedure :

  • Minimum Eligibility Criteria: Indian National with Post graduate degree M.D. (Respiratory Medicine), D.M. ( Pulmonary Medicine) or DNB (Respiratory Medicine).
  • Candidates awaiting their results may also apply, however shortlisting would be subject to successful completion of the Postgraduate qualifying exam.
  • After an advertisement usually around first week of May,    a written MCQ examination will be conducted  followed by an interview. One candidate will be selected for the Fellowship post with a waiting list and candidates on waiting list would be given option of joining as Senior Registrars ( two  posts of 1 year tenure each)

Participating Faculty  :  The faculty is sourced from various Departments as below

  1. Department of Pulmonary Medicine, Tata Memorial Hospital (TMH )
  2. Thoracic Disease Management Group ( DMG) members
  3. Department of Thoracic Surgery, Tata Memorial hospital
  4. Medical Oncology, TMH
  5. Radiology and Interventional Radiology, TMH
  6. Department of Nuclear Medicine, TMH
  7. Department of Radiotherapy, TMH
  8. Department of Anesthesia, Critical Care and Pain, TMH
  9. Department of Pathology, TMH
  10. Clinical Research Secretariat, TMC
  11. Department of Palliative Medicine, TMH
  12. Invited field-specific national and international expert faculty via a Telemedicine platform and proposed workshops

For any further queries, please feel free to contact us on the following:


Email: Department : pulmotmc@gmail.com   Telephone : 022-24177000 Ext 4872/4505


Contact Us

Dr. E Borges Road, Parel, Mumbai - 400 012 India
Phone: +91-22- 24177000, 24177300, 69537300
Fax: +91-22-24146937
E-mail : msoffice@tmc.gov.in(for patient care and queries)/cash@tmc.gov.in(for accounts related)/fundraising@tmc.gov.in (for donors and donation related)/registrar@tmc.gov.in(for education and training)/hrd@tmc.gov.in(for administrative - HRD matters) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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