
Multicolor Immunophenotyping: Standardization & Applications 9th - 11th March, 2012

Day 1 – Friday, 9th March

8.45 - 9.00



Session 1: Introduction and Basics

9.00 - 9.30

FCM Immunophenotyping:
an Indian Perspective

S Gujral

9.30 -10.30

Panel design and validation
of multicolor assays
Newer fluorochromes in  immunophenotyping

P Chattopadhyaya

10.30 -11.30

Analysis and data  Interpretation in
flow cytometry

Brent Wood,
P Chattopadhyaya
(20 minutes each)

11.45 -12.30

Issues in Multicolor flow   cytometry: beyond 6 colors

12.30 - 1.30

Quality control issues  including proficiency testing

Kunal Sehgal

2.15 – 2.45

Staining of intracellular and  nuclear antigens

 Vincent Shankey

Session 2: T cells

2.45- 3.30

Normal and Abnormal maturation patterns - Thymus and Lymph node

 Brent Wood

3.30 – 4.15

T cell neoplasms (precursor, mature)

Brent Wood

4.30 – 5.00

V beta repertoire for
T cell clonality

P Tembhare 

5.00 - 5.45

Euroflow Program and Interlaboratory Standardization

A Orfao

Day 2 – Saturday, 10th March
Session 3: B-cells

8.00 - 8.45

Normal and Abnormal maturation patterns in bone marrow and peripheral blood

A Orfao

8.45 - 9.30

Normal and Abnormal maturation patterns in Lymph nodes

A Orfao

9.30 - 9.50

Monoclonal B-cell    lymphocytosis

A Orfao

9.50 -10.30

B cell neoplasms (precursor, mature)

A Orfao

10.30 -11.00

A new generation of tools for assessing human immunity

P Chattopadhyay

Session 4: Myeloid cells

11.15 -12.15

Normal and abnormal maturation patterns

W Kern

12.15 -1.15

Myeloid Neoplasms

W Kern

Session 5: Others

2.00 -3.00

Plasma cells - Normal, Neoplasm and Minimal Residual Disease

A Orfao

3.00 -3.30


P Tembhare

Session 6: Recent Advances

3.45 -4.30

Cell cycle analysis

Vincent Shankey

4.30 - 5.15

Cell signalling in normal and in AML

Vincent Shankey

5.15-6.00 PM

Immunophenotyping of Mast cells

A Orfao

Day 3 – Sunday, 11th March
Session 7: Minimal Residual Disease in Hematolymphoid Neoplasm

8.30 - 9.30


Brent Wood

9.30 -10.30


W Kern

10.45 -11.45


 A Orfao

Session 8: Education and Regulatory Issues

11.45 -12.30

Managing a Flow Cytometry Laboratory

W Kern

1.30 -2.30

Panel discussion: Education/   training requirements Coordinator: S Gujral

A Orfao, Brent wood,  W Kern, Krishnamurthy

2.30 -3.30

Indian panel - QC in IPT, Projects and any proposed future collaborations.        
Coordinator: Neha Mittal

A Dasgupta,
 N Varma,
 R Kumar,
  S. Khodaiji,  
PG Subramanian
(8 minutes each)


Valedictory: PG Subramanian

Contact Us

Dr. E Borges Road, Parel, Mumbai - 400 012 India
Phone: +91-22- 24177000, 24177300, 69537300
Fax: +91-22-24146937
E-mail : msoffice@tmc.gov.in(for patient care and queries)/cash@tmc.gov.in(for accounts related)/fundraising@tmc.gov.in (for donors and donation related)/registrar@tmc.gov.in(for education and training)/hrd@tmc.gov.in(for administrative - HRD matters) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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