

The Sixteen Pathologists include Seven Professors, Six Associate Professors, and Three Assistant Professors.

The pathologists are responsible for sign outs pertaining to surgical pathology including immunohistochemistry, Fine Needle aspiration cytology; all positive and negative exfoliative cytology reports (except gynaec negatives) and the molecular pathology reports. They also undertake teaching and research activities.

The consultant staffs participate in clinico-pathologic tumour meetings with specialty working groups (Disease management group) on a regular basis. Each Disease management group has representatives from pathology department and each consultant has been assigned two anatomic sites and every anatomic site has three designated pathology consultants. This has ensured that the designated specialist pathologist is part of the decision making team. The consultant pathologists are encouraged to pursue their academic and research activities within their designated specialties.

Laboratories needing special attention such as Immunohistochemistry, Molecular pathology, Haematopathology and Biochemistry have designated senior staff members to co-ordinate efforts regarding introduction and validation of new tests, EQAS program, Inter Laboratory comparison programs and the administrative aspects.

Dr. Sangeeta B. Desai


Designation: Professor & Head, Pathology, TMC

Qualification: MBBS,MD, DTM

Contact: (+9122) 24177271 Email: desaisb@tmc.gov.in


Dr. Sumeet Gujral


Designation: Professor & Pathologist

Qualification: MD,MBBS,MATRIC

Contact: Email: gujrals@tmc.gov.in


Dr. Tanuja Shet


Designation: Professor and Head Dept of Biochemistry

Qualification: MD, DPB, DNB, DTM, MBBS.

Contact: Email: shettm@tmc.gov.in


Dr. Mukta Ramadwar


Designation: Professor and Pathologist

Qualification: MD Pathology, FRCPathology (UK)

Contact: 09322508455, (+9122) 24177263 Email: ramadwarmr@tmc.gov.in


Dr. Kedar K Deodhar


Designation: Professor & Pathologist

Qualification: MBBS, MD( Pathology), MRCPath, FRCPath

Contact: (+9122) 24177000 Ext 4388, Email: deodharkk@tmc.gov.in


Dr. Bharat Rekhi


Designation: Professor & Pathologist

Qualification: MBBS, MD, DNB, MNAMS, MIAC, MASCP MCAP (Affl.)

Contact: (022) 24177000 (Extn: 7269) Email: - rekhib@tmc.gov.in


Dr. Munita Bal


Designation: Professor and Pathologist

Qualification: MBBS,MD, DNB, MD

Contact: (+9122) 24177272, 9819809135, Email: balmm@tmc.gov.in


Dr. Santosh Menon


Designation: Professor and Pathologist

Qualification:MBBS,MD, DNB, MRCI (PATH).

Contact: 022 241477000 Ext. 7267, 09820695093 and 08898000191Email : menons@tmc.gov.in


Dr. Rajiv Kumar Kaushal


Designation: Professor & Pathologist

Qualification: MD

Contact: (+9122) 24177266, Email: krajeev@tmc.gov.in


Dr. Ayushi Sahay


Designation: Professor & Pathologist

Qualification: MBBS,MD

Contact: (+9122) 24177259, Email: sahayaj@tmc.gov.in


Dr. Neha Mittal


Designation: Associate Professor & Pathologist

Qualification: MBBS,MD, DNB

Contact: (+9122) 24177259, Email: mittaln@tmc.gov.in


Dr. Uma Sakhadeo


Designation: Associate Professor & Pathologist

Qualification: MBBS, MD

Contact: (+9122) 24174375, Email: sakhdeoum@tmc.gov.in


DR. Aekta Shah


Designation: Associate Professor & Pathologist

Qualification: MBBS.MD,

Contact: (+9122) 24177260, Email: shaha@tmc.gov.in


Dr. Trupti Pai


Designation: Associate Professor & Pathologist

Qualification: MBBS, MD, MRes(TCM)

Contact: (+9122) 24174348, Email: paitd@tmc.gov.in


Dr Poonam Panjawani


Designation: Professor & Physician

Qualification: MBBS,Praful Desai UICC Fellowship,MD

Contact: (+9122) 24174358, Email: panjwanipk@tmc.gov.in


Dr Gauri Deshpande


Designation: Assistant Professor Pathologist

Qualification: MBBS, MD

Contact: (+9122) 24174355, Email: deshpandegr@tmc.gov.in


DR. Nupur Karnik


Designation: Assistant Professor Pathologist

Qualification: MBBS, MD, DNB

Contact: (+9122) 24177373, Email: nkarnik23691@gmail.com


हमसे संपर्क करें

टाटा स्मारक अस्पताल
डॉ ई बोर्जेस रोड, परेल, मुंबई - 400 012 भारत 
फ़ोन: +91-22- 24177000, 24146750 - 55
फैक्स: +91-22-24146937
ईमेल : msoffice@tmc.gov.in (रोगी देखभाल और प्रश्नों के लिए) / hrd@tmc.gov.in(प्रशासनिक के लिए - HRD मायने रखता है)

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