

A Scientific Review Committee critically reviews the proposed research programmes and projects in detail and ensures that the research effort is at the cutting edge of an international effort. The Hospital Ethics Committee consisting of Doctors and Scientific Officers of the Centre and external expert members in the field of medicine, law and social science critically evaluate the research and medical practices followed in the Hospital. A separate Data Monitoring and Safety Committee, in addition, evaluates and monitors all officially sanctioned intramural research programmes.

हमसे संपर्क करें

टाटा स्मारक अस्पताल
डॉ ई बोर्जेस रोड, परेल, मुंबई - 400 012 भारत 
फ़ोन: +91-22- 24177000, 24146750 - 55
फैक्स: +91-22-24146937
ईमेल : msoffice@tmc.gov.in (रोगी देखभाल और प्रश्नों के लिए) / hrd@tmc.gov.in(प्रशासनिक के लिए - HRD मायने रखता है)

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