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Date 15 & 16 September 2019
Venue The Nanu Resort, South Goa
Organized by Prince Aly Khan Hospital

Prince Aly Khan Hospital is organizing a CME & pre-CME workshop entitled “The Agony and the Ecstasy of Chasing Cases”, at The Nanu Resort”, in South Goa on 15th & 16th of September, 2019. This is our invitation letter to all of you, with a sincere wish that you join us for the event.

The pre-CME workshop will deal with two hot topics which will be the future of Pathology, viz., ‘Digital Pathology’ & ‘PDL1 testing’. The workshop will accommodate limited group of people for each subject. Our speakers will address basics as well as the advances and interpretative aspects of both subjects.

The main CME will focus on cases from various systems of the body, for which we have a team of experienced colleagues including an international pathologist from Singapore. Our speakers will point out different ways of solving problem cases, and each one of them will leave you with tips, clues, specific messages, and happy memories.

The target audience will be practicing pathologists, post graduate students & clinicians.

Please join us and make this event memorable and worthwhile, because a lot of effort and brain storming has gone into the making of this event.

Download Brouchure here

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