
  1. Introduction
  2. Services
  3. Charges
  4. Ethics
  5. Contact Us

National Tumour Tissue Repository (NTTR) is the first Tumour Tissue Repository in India and was established with the support from Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR).

We collect and preserve disease as well as normal tissues and blood for prospective research initiative as an organized bank.

Over 85,725 samples have been collected and catalogued by the repository till date (30/06/2024).

Our Mission is

  • 1To establish methods to collect and preserve disease as well as normal tissues and blood for prospective research initiative as an organized bank.
  • 2To supply adequate quantities of high quality research grade tissues to individual investigators for their IRB approved projects.
  • 3To maintain and provide clinical information to the individual Investigators.

Tissue Collection & Preservation

Steps involved in providing NTTR's standard services are as follows:

  • Informed Consent
  • Collection of Biospecimens
  • Snap Freezing & Coding
  • Storage
  • Tissue Repository Data Base

Additional Services offered by NTTR

  • Temporary Storage of Biospecimens (Hotel Services)
  • Follow Up Data

Informed Consent

Informed consent is administered to the patient preoperatively with the help of surgery residents and nurses. All the care is taken by NTTR staff to protect the patients’ interest and rights.

Collection of the Specimens

Tissue is for the diagnosis first. Only surplus tissue is collected for the repository without compromising histopathologic diagnosis.

The freshly delivered operative specimen (tumour and normal) is incised with different sterile scalpel blades (for tumour and normal) and quickly a portion of tissue (aprox. 1 cubic cm ) is removed under the supervision of surgeon in the operation theatre / or pathologist in the frozen section room under sterile conditions.

Virtually all types of tissues are collected except necrotic tissues from every organ and site, of every histology, regardless of prior treatment status and regardless of any infective status.

If possible, blood is also collected simultaneously during the patients’ operative procedure in OT by the anesthetist. The blood, so collected, is processed to separate serum, plasma & buffy coat & separated components are then frozen.

Tissues are collected in cryovials and rapidly snap frozen in liquid nitrogen in a portable Dewar flask within 5 minutes so as to prevent degradation of RNA and protein. Time from tissue excision to freezing is noted in the data base of NTTR.

Cryovials are coded so as to maintain confidentiality of the patients.

Cryovials are stored in liquid nitrogen containers or -80 0C deep freezers.

Tissue Repository Data base

The repository collection includes a variety of tumour tissues, as well as normal tissues and blood whenever available.

NTTR collection summary from May 2005 to June 2024

Anatomic SitesNo. of cases
Breast & Axillary 19621
Head / Neck & 15238
Thoracic 4382
Gastrointestinal 3684
Genito Urinary 2719
Gynec 2565
Bone & Soft tissues 2265
CNS 1433
Hematolymphoid 429
Pediatric 366
Total 52,702

No of Cases Till 30th June 2024     (52,702)

No of Samples Till 30th June 2024     (85,725)

A computer program for easy accessibility, disbursement of specimens and follow up data is developed. The data base is linked to Hospital Diagnostic Information System.

Data base includes physical location of the sample, site wise availability of tissues and other basic demographic data.

Temporary storage of biospecimens ("Hotel" Services)

Deep freezer and liquid nitrogen storage facility of NTTR can be used for temporary storage of biospecimens by the investigators. Investigators will have to notify the NTTR regarding types of samples, title & IRB number of the project. Investigators will also be required to keep their own records of freezer location.

Follow Up Data

Besides basic data of the samples requested, extra clinical data are also provided to the researchers as per their need.

Follow up data are retrieved from the Medical Records Office by NTTR staff.

Quality Control

Representativeness of the lesion and histopathologic diagnosis of collected tissues is assessed by histopathologist and integrity of tissues (nucleic acid quality and quantity) is checked by Molecular Pathology Laboratory. The investigators are asked to fill up feedback form and their comments/suggestions are sought.

To download a Requisition Form, Please click here

Requisition Form A-NTTR, Please click here

Requisition Form B-NTTR, Please click here

For TMC Investigators;
Please note that samples will be issued only to IRB approved projects. Attach a copy of IRB approval along with the Requisition Form.

For requests from other institutes: Please send duly filled & signed Material Transfer Agreement Form along with the Requisition Form and a soft copy of Project Proposal for which tissues are being asked for.

For Material Transfer Agreement Form, Please click here

Send your duly filled and signed Requisition Form / Material Transfer Agreement Form to

National Tumour Tissue Repository
5th Floor, Annexe Building,
Tata Memorial Hospital,
Dr E Borges Marg,
Parel, Mumbai- 400 012
Or Scan and Mail to: ttrtmh@gmail.com

This is to inform all the Medical & Scientific staff members of the Tata Memorial Centre (TMC) and non-TMC investigators that the following will be the charges for utilization of tissues from National Tumour Tissue Repository (NTTR)

Type of Biospecimen Charges for TMC Charges for Non-TMC Academic Institutions
Tissue Rs. 1000/- Rs. 2000/-
Blood/Buffy Coat / Plasma Rs. 1000/- Rs. 2000/-

Charges for temporary storage service would be Rs. 200/- per biospecimen for every 15 days. Accordingly, the above charges are introduced in TMC w.e.f. 15/09/2023. The researchers will have to build up this cost in the project budget sheet. However, the tissues issued to intra-mural projects will be exempted from charges. Payments should be made only in the form of Demand Draft in favour of Tumour Tissue Repository, Tata Memorial Centre payable at Mumbai.

Tissue is for diagnosis first. Only surplus tissue is given to the repository without compromising the histopathologic diagnosis.

No tissue is collected/stored in the NTTR without administration of informed consent .

Samples are assigned a specific NTTR number. Identity of the donor is not revealed to the researcher to maintain confidentiality of sensitive research data.

Rights of donors are protected. Patient has right to withdraw his / her tissue from the repository at any point of time. Standard safeguards for accession, collection, storage and disbursement of tissues are followed as per the ethical guidelines.

Tissues are disbursed only when a copy of IRB approval of project is enclosed with the Requisition Form.

National Tumour Tissue Repository
5th Floor, Annexe Building,
Tata Memorial Hospital,
Dr E Borges Road,
Parel, Mumbai – 400 012. India
Telephone : 91-22- 24177000 Extension- 4359

Email-id: Email-id: ttrtmh@gmail.com

Dr Sangeeta Desai / Ms. Manisha Kulkarni, Department of Pathology,
Tata Memorial Hospital

Email-id: Email-id: sangeetabdesai@gmail.com

Email-id: Email-id: manishabkulkarni@gmail.com

Contact Us

Dr. E Borges Road, Parel, Mumbai - 400 012 India
Phone: +91-22- 24177000, 24177300, 69537300
Fax: +91-22-24146937
E-mail : msoffice@tmc.gov.in(for patient care and queries)/cash@tmc.gov.in(for accounts related)/fundraising@tmc.gov.in (for donors and donation related)/registrar@tmc.gov.in(for education and training)/hrd@tmc.gov.in(for administrative - HRD matters) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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