
  1. Occupational Therapy
  2. Physiotherapy

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About Us

Cancer and cancer treatments may lead to changes in individual’s physical, cognitive, and emotional well-being causing interruptions in their daily routines, affecting how they perform their self-care, work, leisure, or social activities.

Occupational therapy is a supportive service with the specific mission to help people functionally engage in life as safely and independently as possible with the primary goal of improving QOL.

Occupational Therapy is appropriate for individuals throughout the continuum of cancer care, this includes those who are newly diagnosed with the disease, who are undergoing treatment, receiving palliative/ end of life care or who are in the survivorship phase of care. Similarly, Occupational Therapy is appropriate for all age groups; children/pediatric patients, young adults/ Adults and Geriatric patients.

Occupational Therapy is holistic rehab care where Occupational therapy professionals make use of various treatment approaches and variety of tools to attend to the physical, functional, cognitive, emotional, psychological, and social wellbeing of the individual.

Occupational Therapy intervention methods remediate (improve physical and functional capacities), compensate (use of existing skills and new methods to achieve the highest possible functions) and or adopt (redesign environment like home, work, school) a patient’s capabilities to assist him or her in achieving maximum level of functional independence.

Department Activity

Occupational Therapy attends to numerous cancer diagnosis on day to day basis like Brain and Spinal tumors, Head and Neck cancers, Bone and Soft Tissue cancer, Breast cancer(with and without breast reconstruction), GU GI cancer, Gynecological cancer, Lung cancer, Patients in palliation /end of life care, Adult and Pediatric hematology patients, etc. Occupational Therapists at Tata memorial Hospital are skilled and are experienced in many areas of rehabilitation and customize the treatment based on patients’ unique condition and needs.

There are much impairment related to cancer and its treatments which are amendable to Occupational therapy. The few impairments and conditions are listed below which we treated by Occupational therapists on daily basis.

  • Upper and lower extremity impairments: Various surgical interventions, cytotoxic drugs and radiation therapy produce impairments in extremities that affect patients’ functional participation. To list a few are restricted range of motion, joint stiffness, weakness, difficulty with walking, trouble with fine and gross motor skills, poor endurance, deconditioning, postural changes, scar tissue restriction are few of the extremity impairments addressed by Occupational Therapy by means of various therapeutic exercises and activities, positioning, home exercise programs, splinting, and wheelchair fitting and training.

  • Cognitive function impairment: Occupational therapists provide cognitive strategies to address memory, organizational executive function deficits, and low-energy tasks that focus on restoring engagement in daily occupations. Occupational therapist provides mentally stimulating tasks and cognitive activities to improve cognitive function. Difficulties with perception, problems with hand-eye coordination, decline in balance are addressed with various therapeutic exercises, adaptations and compensations and compensatory modalities.

  • Occupational Therapy provides chemo rehabilitation programs that address cancer-related fatigue, neuropathy, balance issues, vestibular dysfunction through general strength and reconditioning rehabilitation.

  • Cancer-related fatigue: Occupational Therapy department educate patients and demonstrate energy conservation techniques, engagement in routine activities, relaxation management, education on good sleep hygiene support health and the ability to participate in meaningful activities.

  • Anxiety and depression and stress related to the diagnosis and treatmentis managed with relaxation training, engagement in purposeful activities and diversional activities.

  • Palliative and end of life care: Occupational therapist provide therapeutic exercise/ activities and positioning to maintain functional range of motion, mobility, and strength through home exercise programs, splinting, wheelchair fitting, bed positioningetc.

  • Decline in balance and falls: Department use strengthening exercises and activities, static and dynamic balance training, prescription of appropriate adaptive and assistive technology and compensatory approaches in preventing falls due to balance issues.

  • Lymphedema clinic: Occupational Therapy department is involved in educating patients in lymphedema risk reduction practice and lymphedema management from more than 3 decades. We attend limb, face, head and neck lymphedema, truncal edema, breast and genital lymphedema cases on every day. Complete Decongestive Therapy (CDT) is an international standard of care for lymphedema management which is provided and taught to patients and carers. It is essential to reduce swelling as it is known to have psychological and social implications, and can limit range of motion and the ability to move and complete ADLs.

  • Pain management: Occupational Therapist plays a vital role and is an important non-pharmacological intervention in pain management using various physical and cognitive behavioral approaches.

  • Restrictions in activities of daily living/ instrumental activities of daily living: Occupational Therapy department address functional impairments in ADL/IADL. Suggest patient’s management of activities of daily living (ADLs) such as bathing and dressing through adaptations to the activity and environment, and/or the use of assistive technology.

  • Sexual Quality of Life: Occupational therapists are involved in communication and promotion of vaginal and sexual health, dilators therapy, pelvic floor exercises, counseling and education on sexual functioning and intimacy before and following cancer therapy.

  • Mastectomy surgeries: Breast prosthetic rehab, postural education and correction, maintaining and addressing sexuality and intimacy issues to improve quality of life.

  • Modifying activities such as teaching individuals ways to conserve energy during important everyday activities; or modifying environments such as the workplace, home, or community.

  • Lifestyle management such as preventative health, improved fitness, etc. This may include education emphasizing the person’s strengths and positive coping strategies that enable him or her to be in control of lifestyle choices.

  • Palliative Care: Occupational Therapy interventions include non- pharmacological pain management, modifications in routine activities and life roles in order to accommodate dyspnea, edema management, postural corrections, orthosis and assistive technology. Regular assessment of physical, psychological symptoms and functional status is carried out.

  • Pediatric conditions: Occupational Therapy is of great value in enabling children with cancer to participate in the everyday childhood occupations of self-care, productivity and play/ leisure.

  • Our therapeutic exercise and activity based oncology rehabilitation programs are also appropriate for patients diagnosed with lung cancer or patients needing prerehab ahead of oncology related surgeries for improving patients’ ability to participate in routine life roles and tasks.

  • Amputations: Occupational Therapists help people with amputations, their families to understand the care that is needed following amputations and the process of rehabilitation that can reduce the disabilities. We provide pre prosthetic care, and appropriate fitting of the temporary and permanent prosthesis and training, people with limb amputations. We help patients return to previous activities, including household responsibilities, school or work.

  • Occupational Therapists are involved in prescribing, designing, and fabrication of various orthoses (fabrication of low temperature thermoplastic orthosis and hand orthosis) and orthotic and prosthetic training. We have a special setup located at Dr. Ernest Borges Memorial Home (E.B.M.H) Bandra to address to the orthotics and prosthetic needs of cancer patients and related rehabilitation.


Faculty Staff



Dr. Manjusha Vagal


Officer In-charge Occupational therapy

Contacts - No.

Off: 022- 24177227

Email id





Lymphedema, Cancer related fatigue, Breast cancer, Gynecological cancer, Bone and soft tissue cancers, Orthotics, Palliative care




Dr. Rebeka Marri


Scientific Assistant C, Occupational therapist

Contacts - No.

Off: 022 24177000 Ext. 4227    

Email id



BSc OT, MSc. (Psychology), CLT (USA)


Bone and Soft Tissue Cancer, Lymphedema, Breast Cancer, Palliative Care, Prosthesis and Orthosis, Head and Neck Rehabilitation.




Dr. Shruti Velaskar


Scientific Assistant C, Occupational therapist

Contacts - No.

022 24177000 Ext. 4227

Email id





Quality of life related research, Lymphedema, Pediatrics and neurological rehabilitation, Gynecological and Breast cancer




Dr. Jagmohan Lal Meena


Scientific Assistant C (Rehabilitation), Occupational Therapy Department

Contacts - No.

022- 24177000, Ext No. - 4227

Email id



MOT (Mumbai), CLT (USA), CWA (USA), CKTT (UK)


Breast cancer, Lymphedema, Hand & Upper Extremity conditions, Locomotor disability




Dr. Neelam Rane


Occupational Therapist

Contacts - No.


Email id





Musculoskeletal & Neuro Rehabilitation, Orthosis fabrication and pre and post prosthetic training


Education & Courses

  • Observership program.
  • 6months/ one-year training in Onco occupational therapy.
  • Internship program with L.T.M.M.C & G.H Sion Mumbai.
  • Annual educational visit of B.O.Th. students from Municipal hospitals,
  • Annual academic event promoting role of Occupational Therapy in Oncology, and professional skill in budding therapists.


Contact US

Phone: Hospital Number: 022-24177227

Address: Occupational Therapy Department, Tata Memorial Hospital, Dr. Ernest Borges Marg, Parel, Mumbai 400012.


Fax: Hospital Fax Number:

Email-id: Email-id:


The Physiotherapy department at Tata Memorial Hospital is recognized nationally as pioneers in the field of cancer rehabilitation. Physiotherapy department has five senior full time therapists, three research therapists and two contract therapists dedicated to the comprehensive cancer care. Cancer and its treatment often affect the normal functioning and sometimes cause prolonged functional limitation and activity participation. Physiotherapists at Tata Memorial Hospital are well experienced in the assessment and treatment of wide range of physical dysfunction and work with various Disease Management Groups (DMG) to provide holistic care. The staff of Physiotherapy department are office bearers and members of Society of Onco Physiotherapists and life members of Indian association of Physiotherapists. They are faculty for various in house education programs and for programs conducted by other Physiotherapy colleges across the country.


We recognize that all cancer patients are unique and need individualized physiotherapy program to meet their rehabilitation requirements. The department provides tailor made physiotherapeutic program to the patients in outpatient department and in various inpatient wards. The Department provides the following clinical services.

Respiratory Physiotherapy

Respiratory physiotherapy is an essential requirement for patients undergoing treatment for cancer. This service is provided preoperatively and post operatively after any major surgery, during adjuvant therapies like chemotherapy and radiotherapy, in palliative care and is the most important service in the Intensive care unit and for the critically ill patients. It is designed to improve respiratory efficiency, promote expansion of the lungs, strengthen the respiratory muscles, and remove secretions from the respiratory system. Therapy program includes postural drainage, chest percussion, chest vibration, positioning, breathing exercises, incentive spirometer, suctioning and coughing techniques

Pulmonary rehabilitation

The Pulmonary Rehabilitation program is delivered by a trained physiotherapist specialized in cardio-pulmonary rehabilitation. The participants for this program are patients posted for thoracic or major abdominal surgeries and patients with chronic pulmonary disease. This program includes physical evaluation, exercise training and education. The components of pulmonary rehabilitation program include education sessions discussing disease and treatment progress and importance of pulmonary rehabilitation, breathing exercises, incentive spirometer, coughing, huffing techniques, self-drainage techniques, energy conservation techniques, Exercise prescription and training and Home based exercise program. An Exercise Information booklet is provided at the end of this session. These pamphlets are available in English, Hindi and Marathi. Kindly see the patient information section for the exercise pamphlets

Pulmonary Rehabilitation

Post breast surgery care program

This group therapy program is held on every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday between 10.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m at 9th Floor, Homi Bhabha Block, Tata Memorial Hospital. These sessions, conducted jointly by a Physiotherapist and a volunteer aims to provide breast cancer patients and their care givers a complete comprehensive care program to help them cope with the disease and treatment. The session includes.

  • Counseling
  • Drain care, Suture care, Arm care
  • Arm exercises taught in detail
  • Education about self breast examination
  • Information regarding breast prosthesis and wigs.
  • Care during adjuvant treatment

Drain and suture care: As the patients are discharged from the hospital on the first post operative day, a detailed instruction regarding drain care and suture care is provided.

Post-Operative Arm care: Skin and arm care post lymph node removal in these patients is very important. Detailed explanation and printed instruction materials are provided to the patients.

Importance of Exercise: No matter what type of surgery, it is important to do exercises thereafter. Exercises help to maintain mobility of the arm and enable the patient to resume their normal daily activities. During Radiation Therapy, exercises are important to keep the arm and shoulder flexible. Two instruction pamphlets: 1) Instructions and exercises following breast cancer surgery 2) Self breast examination are given at the end of the session. These pamphlets are available in English, Hindi and Marathi. Kindly see the patient information section for the exercise pamphlets.

Intensive care

Our department caters to the need of Patients who require intensive care post surgery, chemotherapy related complications such as neutropenia and pneumonia, as well as critically ill patients on artificial ventilation. Not only drainage of secretions and improving/ maintaining optimal ventilation is essential to these patients, but preventing complications related to immobility is also vital for their recovery. Early mobilization has become an integral part of our ICU care. Early mobilization, depending on the clinical condition of patient, includes early limb physiotherapy, mobilization in bed, in chair or wheelchair and walking with support. Mechanical percussors are used along with manual chest physiotherapy maneuvers to treat the enormous volume of patients who have retention of secretions.

Mechanical Percussor

Lymphedema services

Lymphedema is an abnormal swelling caused due to accumulation of protein rich fluid in the superficial tissues by a compromised lymphatic system. It is a serious condition if left untreated. Lymph edema is caused by injury to the lymphatic vessels due to surgery, radiation therapy, infection and scarring. Lymphedema can affect the arm and breast following breast cancer treatment, legs following gynecological / urological cancer treatment and face following head and neck cancer treatment. Decongestive Lymphatic Therapy (DLT) is the standard treatment offered for patients with lymphedema at TMH. DLT includes Manual lymphatic drainage (MLD), Multi Layered Lymphedema Bandaging (MLLB), Compression garment, remedial exercises, pumping exercises, skin care, precautions and Self Lymphatic Drainage (SLD). Treatment consists of Intensive phase, for a minimum of 2 weeks to a maximum of 6 weeks, followed by Maintenance phase which will be home based self-care program.

Geriatric Rehabilitation

Geriatric patients from different DMGs and from Geriatric clinic are assessed using different tools and rehabilitated for mobility, endurance, strength and balance using Active passive trainer, treadmill and thera – station. A state of the art equipment, Virtual Rehabilitation is used for mobility, balance and cognitive impairments.

Virtual Rehabilitation

Mobilization & Ambulation

Patient mobilization is an important component of the physiotherapy program which enables early return to function and prevents complications like DVT, pulmonary embolism, retention of secretions, atrophy, contractures and urinary retention.

Early mobilization includes early limb physiotherapy, mobilization in the bed, mobilization in bedside chair or wheelchair, or make the patient stand or walk with support, depending on the clinical condition of patient. Walking aids like walker, crutches and stick are prescribed as and when required and the patients are taught how to safely walk, climb stairs and maintain balance.



Early mobility exercises are imperative to improve range of motion of the joints involved, to prevent stiffness and to achieve functional independence. The physiotherapist provides with active, active assisted or passive mobility exercises as and when required. The department is fitted with a continuous passive motion machine, a treadmill and an active passive trainer for improving mobility.

Active Passive Trainer

Strength training

Strength training is done progressively using weight cuffs and resistance bands. Physiotherapist thoroughly evaluates the patient’s strength and prescribes the optimal strengthening program as required. The department is well equipped with strength training equipment like Thera station and Mini gym.

Cancer related fatigue

Department offers tailor made conservative therapy which includes energy conservation techniques, therapeutic exercises, relaxation exercises, assistive devices and fatigue diary. In addition to that patients are counseled regarding nutrition and sleep discipline

Manual therapy

Manual therapy includes manual techniques like manual joint mobilization, myofascial release, scar tissue mobilization and soft tissue massage. Physiotherapists often use these techniques to improve movement and function

Incontinence & sexual dysfunction

Department offers exercise rehabilitation and life style modification to both men and women affected with incontinence due to various surgical procedures. Many of them could be silent sufferers of sexual dysfunction due to different causes, for example body image issues post breast cancer and erectile dysfunction following prostatectomy. Therapists counsel and deal with such persons to open up and seek appropriate medical care.

Pain management

Pain in cancer may be due to the disease itself or due to the side effects of treatment like surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Pain can be treated by positioning, splinting, gentle mobilization, therapeutic exercise, use of moist heat, cold packs and Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS).


  • Onco Physiotherapy Training course for qualified physiotherapists. One-year program: 6 months training and 6 months internship. 5 Trainee seats. Intake in January and July.
  • Two days Annual CME program in “Cancer Rehabilitation’ is usually conducted in December.
  • Five days certification course in Lymphedema Management conducted in August / September.
  • Observership is offered for a period of one to three months.


Physiotherapy Department, R.No.96, Main Bldg, Ground floor, Tata Memorial Hospital, Dr. E. Borges Road, Parel, Mumbai 400012

Email id : physiotherapy@tmc.gov.in

Phone: 022-24177226, Extn: 4137, 7226

For Faculty And Staff

Dr. Anuradha A Daptardar



Designation: Officer in charge (Physiotherapy)

Qualification: BSc (Physiotherapy) 

Contact:+91-022-24177226, Extn: 4137, 7226    Email: daptardaraa@tmc.gov.in


Dr. Ajeeta M. Kulkarni



Designation: Scientific Assistant 'F'

Qualification:BSc (Physiotherapy) 

Contact: +91-022-24177226, Extn: 4137, 7226 Email: ajeetakulkarni@yahoo.com


Dr. Manali V. Kamat



Designation: Scientific Assistant 'D'

Qualification: BSc (Physiotherapy) 

Contact:+91-022-24177226, Extn: 4137, 7226 Email:manalikamat11@gmail.com


Dr. Sarika G Mahajan



Designation: Scientific Assistant 'D'

Qualification: BPT

Contact:+91-022-24177226, Extn: 4137, 7226 Email:sarika.g.mahajan12@gmail.com


Dr. Prachi Narkhede



Designation: Scientific Assistant 'B'

Qualification: MPT (Cardiorespiratory) 

Contact:+91-022-24177226, Extn: 4137, 7226 Email:Prachinarkhede123@gmail.com



Contact Us

Dr. E Borges Road, Parel, Mumbai - 400 012 India
Phone: +91-22- 24177000, 24177300, 69537300
Fax: +91-22-24146937
E-mail : msoffice@tmc.gov.in(for patient care and queries)/cash@tmc.gov.in(for accounts related)/fundraising@tmc.gov.in (for donors and donation related)/registrar@tmc.gov.in(for education and training)/hrd@tmc.gov.in(for administrative - HRD matters) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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