
  1. Basics
  2. Symptoms
  3. Diagnosis
  4. Treatment
  5. Prevention
  6. Knowledge Center

Our Approach

Your care for eye cancer is tailored specifically for you by highly skilled and renowned experts. They work together in teams, communicating and collaborating at every step, to be sure you receive the most advanced therapies with the least impact on your body.

Most cancers affecting the eye and orbital area are rare and require treatment at centers familiar with the best treatment and diagnosis options. Because our eye cancer program is one of the nation's most active, we have a remarkable level of experience and expertise.

Our ophthalmologists have special training in surgical and medical treatment of cancers of the eye, eyelid, orbit, conjunctiva, lacrimal gland and structures around the eye. They work closely with their colleagues in radiation oncology, medical oncology, pathology, plastic surgery, and head and neck surgery to deliver the best personalized care and outcomes. Our doctors take pride in treating ocular and orbital cancers, while making every effort to preserve ocular function and vision.

Personalized Care,Advanced Research

Ophthalmologists customize your treatment to include the latest technology and methods to treat eye cancer, which may include:

  • Surgery
  • Radiation therapy including proton therapy
  • Targeted therapies
  • Sentinel lymph node biopsy (a new method that finds early metastatic disease from eye cancer to the lymph nodes)
  • The latest ophthalmic reconstructive procedures to preserve function and appearance in the eye and facial area

If surgery is needed, it is done by some of the nation's top ophthalmic surgeons and highly specialized eye reconstructive surgeons. And we are constantly researching new ways to diagnose and treat eye cancer. This means we are able to offer clinical trials of new therapies.

Many times, eye cancer does not have symptoms in the early stages. When it does have signs, they vary from person to person.

If you do have symptoms, they may include:

  • Loss of vision
  • Blurry vision
  • Flashes and floaters (an object in the field of vision)
  • Pigmented (dark) area on the conjunctiva
  • A small, firm, raised lump with a lesion in the center on the eyelid
  • Ulceration of the eyelid
  • Loss of eyelashes
  • Brown or pigmented lesion on the eyelid
  • Sty that does not heal
  • Growing dark spot on iris
  • Change in pupil shape or size
  • Change of eyeball position or the way eye moves
  • Bulging of eye
  • Double vision
  • Orbital or ocular pain
  • Excessive tearing, bloody tears

These symptoms do not always mean you have ocular cancer. However, it is important to discuss any symptoms with your doctor, since they may signal other health problems.

Experts use the most advanced and accurate technology and techniques to pinpoint the extent and type of eye cancer. This can make a vital difference in the success of your treatment and recovery.

Our leading-edge diagnostic tools and methods include:

  • Sentinel lymph node biopsy to detect early microscopic metastasis
  • Ultrasound biomicroscopy to diagnose intraocular tumors
  • Confocal biomicroscopy
  • Optical coherence tomography (OCT) for more accurate diagnosis of conjunctival cancers

Eye Cancer Diagnostic Tests

Usually an exam by an ophthalmologist or other eye care provider can diagnose ocular cancer. Other tests may include:

  • Dilated retinal exam to help diagnose intraocular tumors
  • Ultrasound of the eye for intraocular tumors
  • Careful inspection of the outside of the eye and eye movements for orbital, eyelid and conjunctival tumors
  • Imaging tests, such as:
    • CT or CAT (computed axial tomography) scans
    • MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scans
    • Surgical biopsy to confirm cancers of the orbit, eyelid or conjunctiva

Treatment of ocular cancers is highly specialized. We personalize your care to include the most-advanced therapies with the least impact on your body. Our goals are to:

  • Provide successful treatment while preserving your eye and vision when possible
  • Restore the function of the eye structure
  • Restore your appearance in the eye and facial area after treatment

Our eye cancer program is one of the most active in the nation, which gives us a high level of expertise and experience that can translate into a better outcome. We take a team approach, bringing together experts including surgeons, radiation oncologists, pathologists, medical oncologists and plastic surgeons specially trained in eye cancer treatments.

And we're constantly researching newer, safer and more-effective treatments for ocular cancers. As a result, we offer several clinical trials.

Our Eye Cancer Treatments

If you are diagnosed with an ocular cancer, your doctor will discuss the best options to treat it. This depends on several factors, including:

  • The type of cancer
  • Location and size of cancer
  • If cancer has spread (metastasized)
  • Your age and health

Your treatment for ocular cancer will be customized to your particular needs. One or more of the following therapies may be recommended to treat the cancer or help relieve symptoms.

Screening tests may be able to find certain types of cancer if a person is at risk but does not have symptoms.

Unfortunately, no standardized screening tests have been shown to improve eye cancer outcomes. However, it is a good idea to have regular eye exams to look for early signs of cancer. If you have risk factors, you should see an ophthalmologist yearly.

It is also important to see an eye specialist if you have:

  • Growths on your eyelids or on the surface of your eye
  • Bulging of the eye (proptosis)
  • Excessive tearing
  • Sudden onset of double vision or pain around the eye

Contact Us

Dr. E Borges Road, Parel, Mumbai - 400 012 India
Phone: +91-22- 24177000, 24177300, 69537300
Fax: +91-22-24146937
E-mail : msoffice@tmc.gov.in(for patient care and queries)/cash@tmc.gov.in(for accounts related)/fundraising@tmc.gov.in (for donors and donation related)/registrar@tmc.gov.in(for education and training)/hrd@tmc.gov.in(for administrative - HRD matters) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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