
ESTRO / TMH EBM 2005 International Symposium

HomeScientific Program
Faculty Lectures
EBM 2005 Handbook
Head & Neck Cancer
Cervical Cancer
Urological Cancer


TMH Hospital
Organizing Committee


ISBN : 81-7525-583-8

Evidence Based Management Guidelines
Vol. IV 2005
Head & Neck, Cervical and Urological Cancers

Challenges in the Practice of Evidence Based Oncology
in Developing Countries


Dr. S.K. Shrivastava MD, DNB.
Professor & Head, Radiation Oncology
Tata Memorial Hospital

Dr. Rajiv Sarin MD, FRCR.
Associate Professor, Radiation Oncology
Tata Memorial Hospital

Dr. Tejpal Gupta
Assistant Professor, Radiation Oncology
ACTREC, Tata Memorial Centre

Dr. Anil D’Cruz MS, DNB.
Professor & Chief, Head & Neck Services
Department of Surgical Oncology
Tata Memorial Hospital

Dr. H.B. Tongaonkar MS, FAIS, FICS
Professor & Head
Urologic & Gynaecologic Oncology Services
Department of Surgical Oncology
Tata Memorial Hospital

Dr. P.M. Parikh MD, DNB, PhD, FICP.
Professor & Head, Medical Oncology
Tata Memorial Hospital

Dr. K.A. Dinshaw DMRT, FRCR.
Director, Tata Memorial Centre

Published by
Tata Memorial Hospital


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