
We have a highly skilled team, some of them working behind the scenes to make your stay more comfortable during your convalescence.

Your Doctor & Staff

Your treating Doctor/Service is ably supported by a team of in house Resident Doctors to ensure monitoring of treatment round the clock. Your treating Doctor/Service will prescribe all tests, medications and special treatment.

Should you require further information regarding your progress, kindly refer to your Consultant or any member of his team. In the event of an emergency, the nursing staff will contact the Resident Doctor attached to your treating Doctor.

Nursing Staff

Our nursing personnel will provide you with dignified, compassionate, and professional care. They administer your medicines and execute the treatment as specified by your treating Doctor. The Doctors and nursing personnel work in tandem to provide you with high standards of care.

Other Personnel

Ward personnel are deployed to make your stay comfortable. They are responsible to keep your rooms clean and maintain hygiene. They are also responsible to providing food/beverages. The ward personnel report to the Sister in Charge of the ward.

  1. Consent
  2. Linen
  3. Diet
  4. Waste Management
  5. Attendant & Visitors
  6. Communication
  7. Do's & Dont's

There is a general consent form that you sign during the time of registration. Special procedures being contemplated require your express consent and you may discuss the same with your treating Doctor. The nursing staff will make these forms available to you.

Money & Valuables

It is not advisable to bring large sums of money or valuables into the Hospital. You may choose to deposit your money with the Accounts Department. The Hospital has an ATM on the premises. Payments can be made by credit card as well.

You will be provided daily change of clothing and linen. You will be required to use the same unless exempted. In case of any difficulty you may contact the Sister in Charge of the ward.

Medicines & Consumables

Your consultant will prescribe medicines and surgical consumables that you need during your treatment. You are advised to procure the same from the Hospital Dispensary. You will be provided with a memo for the same and the amount will be billed to your account.

Please check that you have received correct medicines in right quantity. The nurses will administer the medicines as per the Doctor's orders.

When you are sick you need to be nourished with a healthy diet. Our Dieticians will be more than willing to plan your diet if required in consultation with your treating Doctor. If you have special needs or requirements please discuss the same with our Dietician. Our kitchen is well equipped to serve good balanced vegetarian meals.

In case you require food for your attendant/visitor please inform the Sister in Charge of your ward well in advance. Please note that meals for your attendant/visitor will be billed to your account.

The Hospital has implemented a waste management system wherein the waste is segregated into infectious and non-infectious waste.

Please use the green dustbin to dispose non-infectious waste such as paper, kitchen waste etc. The yellow bin with the biohazard logo is for infected waste such as blood bags, tubes, and dressings contaminated with blood or body fluids.

As a patient you require rest and we do our best to provide you with a quiet, peaceful and tranquil environment. In order to achieve this we need your co-operation. Please discourage visitors especially children to the extent possible.

Our infrastructure can support only one attendant per patient. Visiting hours of the Hospital are from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Please ensure that visitors adhere to the visiting hours only, and that they are restricted to the absolute minimum.

The Intensive Care Units are out of bounds for Visitors.

Public telephone booths have been provided in the lobby of all wards/floors and at various other locations in the Hospital. Each Deluxe Room has a phone with external 'O-dial' facility. For internal communications, the Hospital has a floor-to-floor intercom as well as a paging system.

Incoming calls are discouraged between 10:00 pm and 5:00 am.

Interim Bills

Our computerised billing system will consolidate all charges for medicines/ consumables/services availed by you during hospitalisation and generate interim bills. Ward Clerks will present you with interim bills, which should be paid within 48 hours.

Queries regarding the bills may be addressed to the Billing Section on the first floor of the Main building. Hospital deposits / Dispensary refunds / discrepancies, if any, will be reconciled at the time of generation of the final bill.

  • A clean and hygienic environment is essential for the well being of our patients, and our team of trained personnel strives to maintain cleanliness in this Hospital. Our efforts need to be supplemented by you and by your visitors.
  • The Hospital premises are a Tobacco Free Zone and the use of tobacco in any form is not permitted.
  • Consumption of alcohol is strictly prohibited in the Hospital.
  • Spitting in the Hospital is forbidden.
  • Do not attempt to shift or repair electrical gadgets. Contact the Sister in charge who will request the Engineering Department for assistance.
  • Do not keep the windows of the room or wards open as it affects the air-conditioning in the area.
  • Please refrain from operating the oxygen and vacuum outlets.

Contact Us

Dr. E Borges Road, Parel, Mumbai - 400 012 India
Phone: +91-22- 24177000, 24177300, 69537300
Fax: +91-22-24146937
E-mail : msoffice@tmc.gov.in(for patient care and queries)/cash@tmc.gov.in(for accounts related)/fundraising@tmc.gov.in (for donors and donation related)/registrar@tmc.gov.in(for education and training)/hrd@tmc.gov.in(for administrative - HRD matters) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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