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  7. Contact Us
Convener : Dr. Tabbasum Wadasadawala ( Radiation Oncology Z )
Secretary : Dr. Shalaka Joshi ( Surgical Oncology )
Medical Oncology
  • Dr. Sudeep Gupta
  • Dr. Jyoti Bajpai
  • Dr. Seema Gulia
  • Dr. Sushmita Rath
  • Dr. Prabhat Bhargava
  • Dr. Sujay Srinivas
Surgical Oncology
  • Dr. Rajendra Badwe
  • Dr. Indraneel Mittra (Emeritus Professor)
  • Dr. Vani Parmar
  • Dr. Nita Nair
  • Dr. Shalaka Joshi
  • Dr. Garvit Chitkara
  • Dr. Purvi Thakkar

  • Plastic Surgeon
  • Dr. Vinay K Shankhdar
  • Dr. Dushyant Jaiswal
  • Dr. Mayur Mantri
  • Dr. Saumya Mathews
Radiation Oncology
  • Dr. Rajiv Sarin
  • Dr. Tabbasum Wadasadawala
  • Dr. Rima Pathak
  • Dr. Revathi Krishnamurthy
Nuclear Medicine & Molecular Imaging
  • Dr. Venkatesh Rangarajan
  • Dr. Sneha Shah

  • Dr. Suyash Kulkarni
  • Dr. Meenakshi Thakur
  • Dr. Palak Popat
  • Dr. Kunal Gala
  • Dr. Purvi Haria
  • Dr. Aparna Katdare
  • Dr. Sonal Chauhan


  • Dr. Sangeeta Desai
  • Dr. Tanuja Shet
  • Dr. Asawari Patil
  • Dr. Ayushi Sahay

ACTREC Scientists

  • Dr. Abhijit De
  • Dr. Ujjwala Warawdekar
  • Dr. Sejal Patwardhan
  • Dr.Nandini Verma

General Medicine

  • Dr. Sheela Sawant

Rehabilitation Department (Physiotherapy)

  • Dr. Anuradha Daptardar
  • Dr. Vincent Padmanabam

Occupational Therapy

  • Dr. Manjusha Vagal
  • Dr. Shruti Velaskar

DMG Coordinator

  • Ms. Shabina Siddique
  • Mr. Vaibhav Vanmali
  • Mr. Bipin Bandre


  • Ms. Rohini Hawaldar

The breast group registered 3857 women in the current year with equal numbers of private and general category patients. The number of surgeries performed in 2013 was 1829. There has been a trend towards more advanced procedures such as oncoplasty, reduction mammoplasty, partial and whole breast reconstructions, and venous access port placement, targeted therapy.

About Us

Treatment of breast cancer requires a multimodality approach with interactive inter-disciplinary inputs in from the all departments in research, dissertational and service plans. Some of the practice changing research from TMH, include the successful completion of studies like ‘Axillary Sampling Study comparing Low Axillary Sampling to Sentinel Node Biopsy in operable breast cancer’ and ‘M1 study’ addressing ‘Role of Surgery of the primary and axillary node dissection in metastatic breast cancer. As a practice policy, currently, axillary sampling is initially performed to help decide need for further axillary clearance in clinically node negative operable breast cancer. And, primary metastatic breast cancer patients are offered surgery for the primary only if there is fungation or bleeding resulting in quality of life issues for the patient after initial palliative systemic therapy.

OPD Timings

General OPD - Mon/ Wed -Fri
Timings - 09:15-17:30 Hours
Tues Timings - 09:15-13:00 Hours
Location - Golden Jubilee Guilding , Room No. 112.

Priviate - Mon/Wed
Timings -09 :15-17:30 Hours
Lcoation - Homi Bhabha Building ,Room No.112

Teaching and Training: With increase in the numbers of students on training (MCh) and with addition of 6-month and 1-year specialist registrar posts, attempts are on to ensure that the individuals are adequately trained with hands-on training. We aim to ensure that the students are well exposed to the latest developments in cancer management and imbibe the right information.

Quality of life and rehabilitation: The group is continuing to accrue in IRB approved randomized phase III study to evaluate the beneficial effects of yogic exercises versus conventional arm exercises on cancer recurrence and quality of life domains.

A support group for patients was initiated in December 2010 which continues to meet on the first Friday of every month to address concerns and queries of breast cancer patients and their caregivers.

The postoperative counseling and group physiotherapy classes also spearheaded by Ms Mamta Goenka gone a long way in easing and expediting the post operative recovery of breast cancer patients undergoing surgery.Involvement of NGOs from V-care, Vasantha Trust, and Sanjeevani in the OPD has greatly improved the care of outpatients and understanding of disease process and management.

Research: Progress has been made on translational and basic research front with analysis of tumor tissue on RNA (and mRNA) sequencing to assess effect of progesterone and to evaluate hypoxic modulation in the tumor to understand biology of cancer metastases and factors that might influence the same. The cell line studies have also made some progress with early results suggesting specific alterations in some genes. The analysis is still ongoing at ACTREC.

The animal studies are ongoing to address understanding of biology of metastases and its modulation.

In addition to these there are multiple ongoing clinical research trials addressing questions on peri-operative or neoadjuvant intervention and surgical techniques.

Financial support: Women’s Cancer Initiative-TMH has continued its unceasing effort to aid patients financially for treatment by providing finances for drugs, breast implants and expanders, providing venous access ports to needy patients. PRAYAS is a patient support program for proving adjuvant Herceptin to 50 patients annually. V-care, Mahindra & Mahindra and Cancer Patients’ Aids Association helps needy patients financially for various aspects of their breast cancer care.

Phone: Department Office Number: (+9122) 24177000 / Ext.No.7299, 7988, 7419 , PA-6110 /
MOBILE No. SR II/III: 22153, 22443, 22154

Address: Department of Breast,  

TATA MEMORIAL HOSPITAL, Dr.E.Borges Road, Parel, Mumbai - 400-012

Maharashtra, India

Fax: Hospital Fax Number: (+9122) 24101656

Email-id: Email-id: dmgbr@tmc.gov.in

Contact Us

Dr. E Borges Road, Parel, Mumbai - 400 012 India
Phone: +91-22- 24177000, 24177300, 69537300
Fax: +91-22-24146937
E-mail : msoffice@tmc.gov.in(for patient care and queries)/cash@tmc.gov.in(for accounts related)/fundraising@tmc.gov.in (for donors and donation related)/registrar@tmc.gov.in(for education and training)/hrd@tmc.gov.in(for administrative - HRD matters) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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