

  1. About Us
  2. Department Activity
  3. Education & Courses
  4. Patient Information
  5. Contact Us

With focus on progression of care, Department of Nursing has continued its efforts in enhancing the patient experience.

Nurses working in the department are highly skilled and is dedicated to provide patient-centric, quality nursing care, keeping in mind at all times the patients’ needs, comfort and dignity of the patient. They continue to assure professional excellence with the values of commitment, professional excellence, advocacy, compassionate care and communication. They continue to strive in providing holistic care through advancement in nursing profession.

We provide continuing education, consultations, and visits for nurses, creatively designed to strengthen clinical and leadership skills. The department of nursing administration spear headed by Ms. Swapna Joshi ( Prof & Nursing Superintendent) provides a supportive environment to nurses to try out new skills.

Our clinical nurse specialist is committed to providing exceptional service and safe care to our patients and families. The clinical nurse specialist is prepared to improve outcomes in patient care through expert guidance and coaching.

Quality nursing care is provided to all cancer patients in a variety of clinical settings including

  • Emergency care
  • Outpatient screening centers
  • Intensive inpatient units
  • Diagnostic and interventional procedure areas
  • Perioperative units
  • End of life care

Nurse led clinics and educators

  • Stoma Clinic
  • Breast Clinic
  • Palliative care
  • CVAD Clinic
  • Infection control nurse

Nurses at Tata Memorial Hospital help patients and their families to cope with their illness. The support to the patients and their families are provided through direct patient care as well as through nurse led clinics

Nurse – led clinics focus on chronic disease management where regular follow up and expertise is required.

Nurse led clinics and educators

  • Stoma Clinic
  • Breast Clinic
  • Palliative nurse
  • CVAD Clinic
  • Infection control nurse

Stoma Clinic


Stoma Clinic in Tata Memorial Hospital is the leading stoma care clinic in India as well as in all Asian countries. Patients are referred to this clinic for comprehensive stoma care and rehabilitation from all over India.

The Enterostomal Therapists nurses plays an important role in the guidance of optimum care through skilled teaching, empathy and communication with ostomy rehabilitation involving the five phases of Rehabilitation


Pre-operative counseling & Stoma marking –

  • Pre operative counseling to the patients and care givers
  • Arranging Ostomy Visitor for giving moral support to the patient
  • Assessment and marking of Stoma site

Post-operative care

  • Stoma assessment and management & Irrigation procedure
  • Teaching patient and family members for self care
  • Help patients to create positive out look and maintain self worth

Stoma Clinic – HBB 3rd floor, Room No : 317
        Timing – 9am – 5pm ( Monday – Saturday)
        Ph No : 022 24177000 – Ext : 6321

CVAD Nurse – (Central Venous Access Devices )

Development and subsequent availability of different types of Central Venous Access Devices (CVAD) like Hickman catheter, Subcutaneous port and PICC ( Peripherally Inserted Central venous Catheters ) - multi lumen catheters have made it easy for the crucial management of severely ill patients who need long term venous access. CVAD helps to overcome the need for frequent venous access associated with long term chemotherapy, parenteral nutrition, supportive care and blood withdrawal in different diagnosed patients especially in Bone Marrow Transplantation (BMT) and hematological malignancy.

In Tata Memorial Hospital double and Triple lumen Hickman catheters are used for BMT patients and it is inserted by experienced Surgeons and PICC certified nurses. The care and maintenance is provided by experienced Nurses. The patients can maintain their normal daily activities with all type of CVADs.

Activities of CVAD CLINIC in TMH

  • Pre- Insertion counseling of all type of CVADs.
  • Insertion of PICC.
  • Teaching and Demonstration of site dressing, flushing, cap changing, pump removal and management of trouble shooting problems.
  • Return demonstration of all the above procedures from close relatives till they are confident.
  • Early detection of CVAD related infectious and non infectious complication and management of the same.
  • Access and De-access the subcutaneous port.
  • One month certification course of CVAD training for trained nurses from in and outside the country.
  • Data collection and analysis of CVAD related problems and changing the protocol according to that result.
  • Chemotherapy administration through multiday infusion pump.

In Pediatric cases, smooth handling of the CVAD is done by parents thereby reducing stress and trauma associated with the treatment programme. It is assured that patients and care takers accepts CVAD. They also visualize reduced pain, more comfort and easy mobility of children.

A CVAD nurse instills confidence in the patients and relatives, empowering them with more autonomy in their daily activities, resulting in a much better Quality Of Life of the patients.

CVAD Clinic – Annex Bldg, 12th floor
        Timing – 9am – 5pm ( Monday – Friday)
        9am – 3pm ( Saturday)
        Ph No : 022 24177000 – Ext : 4365


Palliative Care is a multi-disciplinary approach to alleviate the suffering of patients with chronic life limiting illnesses, and their families.

Palliative Care Clinic started in Tata Memorial Hospital in the year 1996.Home care services was launched in 1998 to extend care to patients at their homes in Mumbai.From 2002 pediatric palliative care unit was added to the services. Young cancer patients with recurrence of cancer are treated to keep them symptom free and active. It is aimed at improving the quality of life through relief of physical, psychosocial and spiritual suffering.

The unit has multidisciplinary team consisting physician, nurses, clinical psychologist, social worker, volunteers, voluntary organizations,

Palliative nursing combines a scientific approach with a humanistic approach to care. The caring process is facilitated through a combination of science, presence, openness, compassion, mindful attention to detail, and teamwork.

The patient and family is the unit of care. The goal of palliative nursing is to improve the quality of life across the illness through the relief of suffering, including care of the dying and bereavement follow – up.


  • Registration of patient
  • Psychological assessment of care giver and patients
  • Nursing assessment of patients
  • Doctor’s assessment for symptom management and plan of treatment
  • Providing home care services
  • Reference: for hospice care
  • Responding to phone calls
  • Follow up


Create and implement a care plan for the patient and family based on

  • Observation of the patient
  • Assessment of the patient’s needs
  • Evaluation of the results of interventions
  • Regular reassessment of the situations and modifications to the plan

Palliative department – Main Building, Ground Floor
        Timing – 9am – 5pm ( Monday – Friday)
        Ph No : 022 24177000 – Ext : 4271

Breast clinic nurse

The role of the Breast Care Nurse is to provide counseling, information and support relating to all aspects of breast care for women with breast cancer, and clarify or reinforce information and provide continuity of care throughout the treatment process.

Breast Care Nurses are available to give you and your family information and support before and after surgery, and during ongoing treatment for breast cancer. For any query’s regarding hospital admission and during treatment you can call the breast care nurse. Breast Care Nurse provides a problem solving approach and enhances the quality of life in breast cancer patients.

Breast Clinic Nurse – GJB OPD, Ground Floor
        Room No : 119
        Timing : 9am – 5pm ( Monday – Friday)
        Ph No : 022 24177000 – Ext : 4535

Nursing Education

Nurses at Tata Memorial Hospital have extensive experience with cancer and its effects on the well being of a patient. We offer education programmers to the health community at large. These include both classroom instruction and clinical experience.

The Department is affiliated to the Homi Bhabha National Institute (Deemed University) and is recognized for postgraduate degree (MSc Nursing). The department is also affiliated to Maharashtra Nursing Council for PG diploma in oncology nursing ( 11 months)

Our academic program from college of nursing offers.

  • MSc Nursing.
  • PG Diploma in Oncology nursing.
Sr.No Name of academic Programming No. of students
1 M. Sc in Oncology nursing 10
2 PG diploma in oncology nursing 50

1. Ms. Ms. Anita D’Souza (MSC, RN)- Prof. cum Principal

2. Ms. Manisha Pawar (MSC, RN)- Vice Principal

3. Ms. Prathepa Jagdish (MSC, RN) - Lecturer

Ph No : 022 24177000 – Ext : 6560

Data Not Available

Phone: Department Office Number: (+9122) 24177000 / Ext.No.4138

Address: Department of Nursing, GR. Floor, Main Building

TATA MEMORIAL HOSPITAL, Dr.E.Borges Road, Parel, Mumbai-400-012

Maharashtra, India

Fax: Hospital Fax Number: (+9122) 24146937

Email-id:Email-id: nursing@tmc.gov.in

Contact Us

Dr. E Borges Road, Parel, Mumbai - 400 012 India
Phone: +91-22- 24177000, 24177300, 69537300
Fax: +91-22-24146937
E-mail : msoffice@tmc.gov.in(for patient care and queries)/cash@tmc.gov.in(for accounts related)/fundraising@tmc.gov.in (for donors and donation related)/registrar@tmc.gov.in(for education and training)/hrd@tmc.gov.in(for administrative - HRD matters) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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