

About US

It was a long desired dream of the Oncology Nurses  working in Tata memorial Hospital to form an association. The aim was to bring all oncology concerned nurses under one roof to update Oncology Nursing

Ms. A.K.Bhargavi, the then nursing superintendent along with few nurses originated the association. 1st November 1994 during the UICC conference held at New Delhi, it was inaugurated. The first release of quarterly newsletter "Oncology Nursing News Letter" was done by the then Executive Secretary of Oncology Nursing society (ONS) Ms. Pearl Moore. It is presently titled as “Indian journal of Oncology Nursing”.

From then on many activities are undertaken by the association to update the standards of oncology nurses. Some of the activities are:-

  1. Oncology related lectures by foreign nationals
  2. Early detection programmes for nurses from all over Maharashtra
  3. Essay Competitions
  4. "Oncology Tele-Quiz"
  5. "Debate" and "on-the-spot" competition
  6. Yearly awards issued to oncology nursing students who stands first
  7. Yearly oncology nursing conferences

Directors-in-office hold the post of Patron of ONAI


1993 – Senior members of Tata Memorial hospital thought of starting a professional organization.

Nov-1994 – Oncology nurses Association of India was officially inaugurated at New Delhi by Ms. Pearl Moore, CEO and ONS.


Patron - Dr. P.B. Desai
President - Ms.A.K. Bhargavi
Vice President - Ms. Anamma Chacko
Secretary - Ms. M. Carvalho
Joint Secretary - Ms. Usha S. Samudre
Treasurer - Ms. S. Retnamony
Joint Treasurer - Ms. T.P. Chacko
Editor - Ms. Prathepa Jagdish 
Associate Editor - Ms. Anjali Patwardhan
Executive Members      - Ms. S. Satam, Ms. R.S.Bhalekar
  - Ms. Sitalakshmi Pillai, Ms. A.N.Masih


Term of office

1st term - 1994-1999
2nd term – 2000-2003
3rd term – 2003-2007
4th term – 2007-2012
5th term – 2013-2016
6th term – 2016-2020
7th term – 2020- 2024

Current Office Bearers

Ms.Prathepa Jagdish
Vice President
Dr. Rita Lakhani
Ms. Anita D‘Souza
Joint Secretary
Ms. Rajashree Yadav
Ms. Reena Nair
Joint Treasurer
Ms. Sindhu Nair
Ms. Parveen
Associate Editor
Ms. Soumaya
Executive Members     
Ms. Neeta Vaske Ms. Suniti Jathar
Mr.Prabhu Ms. Komal Munde,
    Ms. Kalpana Sawant
Editorial Team

Ms. Chitra Sengupta, Dr. Sukhpal Kaur,


Mr. Mathews, Ms. Sibi Vinod,

    Lt. Ms.Rajusha Raju 


Eligibility for membership

  1. Life member - Fully trained nurses interested in Oncology (Rs.4000/-)
  2. Institutional membership only for institutes. Term – 4 years (Rs. 6000/-). Advantage – Quarterly issue of Journal. Institutes have no voting rights

ONAI has presently 1750 life members and also institutional memberships. Future objectives are:-

  1. To collaborate with Oncology Nursing Society and International society of cancer care.
  2. Avail more educational opportunities for oncology nurses
  3. Create more career avenues in India and abroad for oncology nurses
  4. Link nursing department with leading cancer institutions especially Royal Marsden, London for the exchange program
  5. To develop various sub specialties in Oncology nursing for the coming decades


Educational Courses:

  1. Diploma in Oncology Nursing :-
    At Tata Memorial Hospital a one year Diploma in Oncology Nursing Programme is conducted. This is affiliated with Maharashtra Nursing Council and Indian Nursing council. Students from India and neighbouring countries seek admission.

    Eligibility Criteria:

    1. Should possess General Nursing or B.Sc. Nursing or any other qualification which is equivalent.
    2. Preferably with 2 years of experience
    3. Should be eligible for registration with State Nursing Council


  2. M. Sc. in Oncology Nursing:
      1. Passed B.Sc. Nursing (Basic) or Post basic B.Sc. Nursing degree or  B.Sc. Nursing or B.Sc. Nursing IGNOU with minimum of 55%. 
      2. Have minimum of two year experience after obtaining B.Sc. Nursing
      3. Registered to state Nursing Council.
  3. Enterostomal Therapy training programme:-
     Certificate Course in enterostomal therapy for 3 months is conducted at Tata Memorial Hospital in affiliation with department continuing education and extension works, SNDT University.
  4. CVAD Programme:-
         A one month certificate programme of central venous access device is conducted. This is affiliated with continuing dept. and extension works, SNDT University
  5. Training programme in Palliative Care:-
    A one month palliative care training programme for Doctor and Nurses is conducted at Tata Memorial Hospital twice a year.
  6. Infection control course:
    One and half month program conducted by Tata Memorial Hospital.


PGR – TMH / ACTREC and chapters are awarded by the peer group members

  1. Ms. Vimal Sanghevekar award is awarded to best clinical nurses
  2. Ms. A.K. Bhargavi award is declared to students of Diploma in Oncology Nursing for standing first.
  3. Gopi Bhambani awards  is awarded to Best clinical nurse
  4. Ms. Retnamony Award for the Best senior sister
  5. Goswami award  for the  Best Pediatric Nurse award 
  6. Carmo Menezes award  for the student standing  first in M.Sc. Nursing
  7. Sensitization programs are conducted.
  8. student exchange programmes have taken place
  9. Annual general body meetings happen in April
  10. National and International oncology Nursing conference are conducted

Contributions of onai

  • Telequiz was conducted in 1997.
  • Debate on Nursing leaders – Tract or Detract  was held in  2003
  • Yearly or biannual National oncology nursing conferences held.
  • Till today 18 National and 3 International Oncology Nursing  conferences took  place
  • Singing, Rangoli, Painting, Hairstyle and fancy dress competition held – 2003
  • Peer group Review awards are given every year for nurses been selected by peers.
  • Bhargavi award is given for 1st ranker in Diploma in Oncology nursing
  • Vimal Sanghvikar award for ‘Best clinical nurse’ in work place.
  • Vimal Sanghvikar award for II rank holder in Diploma in Oncology Nursing.
  • 2006 – Preventive oncology screening program for female employees of TMH was organized and positive cases detected.
  • Essay, Extempo, MIME, Fancy Dress competition in 2007.
  • Hands-on workshop on Ventilator and CPCR was conducted in May 2007.
  • Tata Memorial Hospital was a host Centre for IONF fellowship for UICC.
  • ONAI participated in 2009 Asia-pacific lung conference
  • Chemotherapy administration certification program conducted every year.
  • Chapters of Trivandrum, Kolkata and Delhi inaugurated.
  • SIG (Special interest group) started.
  • Cancer introduction lectures conducted at JJ and KEM institutions.
  • Quarterly publication of Oncology Nursing Newsletter which is termed as

Indian Journal of Oncology Nursing

  • Dec2009 Asia Pacific Lung conference – ONAI participated
  • 27th Sept 2010 – 16th AGM conducted
  • Trivandrum chapter of ONAI affiliated
  • Dec 2010 – Spirituality and nursing was organized
  • 6th – 20th April 2011 – 3rd Chemotherapy administration course
  • 26th April 2011 – One day seminar on Pain management and care of patients in Radiaiton oncology was conducted.
  • Kolkata chapter of ONAI affiliated
  • 29th and 30th Sept.2011 – 4th Chemotherapy administration course.
  • SIG (Special Interest Group) was formulated
  • 26th April 2011 – 17h AGM conducted
  • 13th National Oncology nursing conference on 2nd – 4th May 2012 along with Certification programme on Health Worker safety by Amricares India Limited was conducted
  • Income expenditure statement audited every year and published
  • Annual general meeting BMT Session -  6th may 2016
  • Program for AONEI Nursing session, Silchar  – 28th – 29th January 2017
  • 30th Jan 2017 - critical care
  • 31st Jan 2017- care of patients on ventilator
  • 1st Feb 2017 – IV Cannulation
  • 2nd Feb 2017 - stoma care
  • 3rd Feb 2017- OT techniques
  • 27th Feb 2017 - multiple myeloma one day seminar.
  • Competitions for all nursing fraternity (collage, clay modeling, singing solo, extempore, debate) – 6th may 2017
  • ONAI conducting a sensitization program of north- east nursing personnel as a part of developmental program – 17th – 19th Aug 2017 
  • Introduction to cancer Guwahati – 17th- 19th Aug. 2017
  • Oncology nursing- “A passion for excellence one day conference” – 3rd Nov 2017.
  • Oncology nursing- “A passion for excellence one day conference” ,  18th national oncology conference - 31ST Oct 2017
  • Registered  with Newspaper of India – RNI no for ONAI is 206/17
  • Conference on Airway Management – 5th Dec 2018
  • Chemotherapy program at Hyderabad- may 2019
  • One day workshop on Endocrine disruptors on 26th Oct 2019
  • End of life nursing education consortium on 4th and 5th Jan 2020
  • Telequiz -12th to 17th October 2020
  • ONAI election on 29TH October 2020
  • One day national conference on “geriatric population- a boon or bane?” – 9th Jan 2021 

Student exchange program:

  • Nether sole nursing, Hong Kong, china – visit by 5 MSc students and one faculty- 6TH -17TH March 2017.
  • National university of Singapore - 5 students and 1 faculty – 17th -30th Jan 2019


Asha Sharma-ist
Shiney – 2nd
Shanti Nair – 3rd
On – the – spot
Shanti Nair – Ist
Asha Sharma – 2nd
Joyce – 3rd

  • Singing, Rangoli, Painting, Hairstyle and fancy dress competition held –  Oct  2003
  • Rashmi Tuljapurkar – Ist
  • Savitha Chandorkar – 2nd
  • Painting
  • Irene – Ist
  • Rashmi T- 2ND
  • Hair Styling
  • Minaxi Tiwate –Ist
  • Sneha Nene – 2nd


Rashmi T – Ist
Shanti Nair – 2nd
Jyoti Patel –Ist
Minaxi  Tiwate – 2nd
Sangita Kharat – 3rd

  • Essay, Extempo, MIME, Fancy Dress competition in 14th August 2007.
  • Essay – Mamta Patil – ist
  • Ramani Joseph – 2nd
  • Extempo – Remya Raj – 1st
  • Nalini – 2nd
  • MIME – Malcolm , Ramesh and Leena – ist
  • Glady’s , Diana and Ann – 2nd
  • Fancy Dress – Susan , -ist
  • Malcolm -2nd
  • Sunita Dhargalkar -3rd
  • 2008
  • Telequiz
  • Tanzeem Alam –ist
  • Ranita – 2nd
  • Tessy joseph -3rd
  • PEER GROUP REVIEW (PGR) – 2011 – 2012 – selected Ms. Sunithi Jather From Tata  Memorial Hospital,  Ms. Sivakumari  from Trivandrum
  • PGR – TMH / ACTREC RATNAPRABHA Pilane – 2013.
  • PGR – Trivandrum – Simi Panicker.
  • PGR- Kolkata – Mr. Jijo Scaria
  • Made documentary by ONAI FOR Beijing, china  conference  from 22nd to 24th September 2017.

Courses/ Programmes

  • Jan 2006 – Preventive oncology screening program for female employees of TMH was organized and positive cases detected.
  • 6th – 20th April 2011 – 3rd Chemotherapy administration course
  • 19th and 30th Sept.2011 – 4th  Chemotherapy administration course
  • SIG on administration of  Herceptin, Tracheostomy care, Prevention and care of Extravasation, zoludrenic acid.  
  • 6th and 7th Chemotherapy programme  
  • 8th batch 3rd to 15th March 2014
  • 9th Chemotherapy – 16th – 28th March 2015.
  • 20th Nov to 2nd December 2017 CT certification programme
  • 19th Nov to 1st Dec 2018 – Chemotherapy Certification programme.


  • 7th Jan 2005 – 11th AGM
  • 27th Sept 2010 – 16th AGM conducted
  • Dec 2010 – Spirituality at TMH.
  • 26th April 2011 – 17h AGM with one-day seminar on pain management and Radiation Oncology
  • 29th and 30th July 2011 Cancer Prevention workshop  conducted
  • Income expenditure statement audited every year and published
  • Workshop on women cancer along with AGM – 3RD April 2013.
  • Board meeting – 4th April 2014 with ONAI executive, TVM and Kolkata   Chapters.
  • Pain management along with AGM – 4TH April 2014.
  • AGM ON 6TH May 2016.
  • 27th February 2017
  • Seminar on Multiple Myeloma.
  • 4TH May 2018 – AGM and interventional Radiology.
  • 20th Oncology Nursing programme and 24th AGM ON 10th May 2019 ON  Supportive care in cancer.120 delegates attended.

Activites by Kolkata Chapter

  • Chemotherapy drug quiz “chemo blast”
  • Palliative care nursing workshop
  • Stoma care workshop
  • CVAD training workshop
  • Awareness programme on cancer
  • Preventive oncology programme
  • Workshop on gynecological cancer

Activites by TVM Chapter

The association organized in services regarding BLS training, bio medical waste management for all stags in RCC & also BMT training for Nurses. Along with infection control team our organization celebrated infection control week and distributed & best infection ward award.

Last year our president Ms. Geethakumari B.S received the prestigious Florence Nightingale Award. This is an important milestone in our organisation. Along with ONAI & Nursing division we celebrated Nurses Day with educational cultural items & presented Nurses Day Theme. Our chapter members contributed to Oncology Nursing Journal through various topics regarding nursing care.

A National Conference, State Conference & 10 workshop were conducted.  It also trained 2735 Nurses & sponsored many Nurses to attend the Conference and Workshop.

TVM Chapter conducted 2 state level conferences & one workshop. The topic was basics of Cancer Chemotherapy, contents included classification of chemotherapy. Occupational hazards & medical surveillance of chemotherapy side effects & its management & Administration of chemo & also skill station included  ambulatory chemo services & spill management. About 250 staffs participated. 

The second topic was care of patient with Bone tumors. Contents included were  chemotherapy, radiation therapy  and surgical options including limb sparing surgery.   The topic from workshop was balancing work & family.

Research Projects done by Nurses

  1. Single doze antibiotic prophylaxis for clean Head & Neck Surgery
  2. Efficacy of Duoderm vs Gention violet in post radiation Breast Cancer patients
  3. Efficacy of high protein food in patients of Head and Neck Cancer receiving external radiation therapy.
  4. Role of nurse in Tumour Lysis syndrome
  5. Infection rate in long term central venous catheters
  6. Complication rate in BMT
  7. Quality of life in Breast Cancer patients 

Contact US

Phone: For further details contact - Secretary, ONCOLOGY NURSES ASSOCIATION OF INDIA (ONAI)
(Registration No. Maharashtra Bombay - 386,1994 G.B.B.S.D. Dated 18.0&04)
Nursing Administration, Tata Memorial Hospital, E. Borges Marg, Parel, Mumbai - 400 012
Phone - TMH:  +91 22 24177000, 24177258 • Fax: 022 2414 693

Email-id: Our email address are Email-id: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. & This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

For membership or any other details contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Prathepa jagdish - President - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Anita d’souza   – Secretary -   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

For articles, contact

Parveen   - Editor              - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Soumya   - Associate editor - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Contact Us

Dr. E Borges Road, Parel, Mumbai - 400 012 India
Phone: +91-22- 24177000, 24177300, 69537300
Fax: +91-22-24146937
E-mail : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (for patient care and queries)
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