NCG CReDO webinars -2024

12th April 2024 Running a research study: Practical aspects Ruth Langley, MRC CTU @UCL
10th May 2024 Survey Methods and Measures in Clinical Research Sudha Sivaram, NCI Center for Global Health
7th June 2024 Developing prognostic models Richard Riley, University of Birmingham
28th June 2024 Cancer survivorship: Priorities and challanges for research Bogda Koczwara,Flinders University
12th July 2024 Sample size Calculation for clinical trials Allan Hackshaw, CRUK and UCL Cancer Trials Centre
2nd August Research in health economics Victoria Fan, Centre for Global Development
All webinars will start at 1900 IST(unless otherwise specified)
Meeting ID: 9930171241 Password: 101212(for all webinars) Please log in with your full name
National Cancer Grid

National Cancer Grid

The National Cancer Grid (NCG) of India is a collaboration of more than 300 major cancer centres, research institutes, charitable trusts and patient groups, virtually covering the entire length and breadth of the country and is amongst the largest cancer networks in the world. Funded by the Government of India through the Department of Atomic Energy, the NCG has the primary mandate of working towards uniform standards of care across India by adopting evidence-based management guidelines, which are implementable across these centres. It is also intended to facilitate exchange of expertise between centres and to create a ready network of centres for collaborative research in cancer. The NCG is poised to transform the overall spectrum of cancer care, education and research in India and serve as a model for other specialties to emulate. Initiatives of the NCG include adoption of uniform management guidelines for treatment of common cancers in India, institutional peer review, a central “National Cancer Library”, refresher courses in surgical pathology, training in clinical research methods, palliative care, standardization of surgical pathology including immunohistochemistry, radiation oncology quality assurance amongst others.