Dear All,
The Tata Memorial Centre cordially invites you to the 23rd meeting on “Evidence Based Management of Cancers in India - EBM 2025” to be held from 28th February to 2nd March, 2025. This meeting also coincides with the Hospital Day Celebration of our institute. Tata Memorial Centre has pioneered the cause of EBM in oncology in India and has been conducting this annual meeting for the past twenty two years where each year we focus on different aspects of cancer care.
The EBM-2025 meeting focuses on two themes:
Track 1 - "Paediatric cancer care: Changing paradigms in the 21st century"
Track 2 - "Microbial Mayhem: Battling Bugs in Cancer Care"
The following workshops are planned as part of the EBM
Paediatric Diagnostic Oncopathology
Big lenses for small bodies: Pediatric body imaging Masterclass
Micro-Med Synergy: Where Microbiology Meets Clinical Care
The EBM 2025 will help busy clinicians from all over the country and abroad to get updated on the best available evidence in oncology in a span of 3-4 days, thereby translating into better overall patient care. Renowned International and National faculty members will cover the above topics in a very focused and succinct manner.
The target audience for the meeting is medical oncologists, pediatric oncologists, hematologists, microbiologists, intensive care physicians, pathologists, infection diseases specialists, radiologists, radiation oncologists, surgical oncologists, physicians and scientist from allied specialties, and also trainees in the above specialties.
We look forward to welcoming you at this annual event.
Prof. Sudeep Gupta
Director, Tata Memorial Centre