MEMORIAL HOSPITAL [TATA MEMORIAL CENTRE] [H.R.D. DEPARTMENT] Advt.No: 160/2024 Date: 22.11.2024 WALK-IN-INTERVIEW On 23.12.2024 09:00 A.M. to 11:00 A.M. PHYSICIAN
ASSISTANT in Department of Medical Oncology (Fixed Term Appointment Contract Basis on TMH Payroll for one year) Venue: Board Room, R.D. Chokshi Auditorium,
2nd Floor, Golden Jubilee Building, Tata
Memorial Hospital, Dr. E. Borges Road, Parel, Mumbai – 400012
Terms & Conditions: 1.
Candidates fulfilling the above requirements
may attend the interview with Bio-Data, copies of certificates regarding date
of birth, qualifications, MMC registration, experience etc. and recent passport size
photograph. 2. TMC reserves right to conduct written test for screening of candidates before interview, if felt necessary. (BENNY
further enquiry kindly contact Landline No: 022-24177000 Ext – 4630 or email @
hrdestablishment@tmc.gov.in. |